With Rivile EDI (EKO) – efficient and simple

Efficient and simple – these are two words to describe the Rivile EDI (EKO) system. The solution developed by UAB “Rivilė” specialists allows a smooth, fast and reliable exchange of documents and data between business entities up to 80% more efficiently: invoices, waybills and other documents can be submitted through the EDI (EKO) system instead of paper format. Using this system, UAB “Rivilė” customers could save up to 10 million. Eur. per year.

The majority of Rivile GAMA users can currently use a free limit of 50 documents, depending on the exchange method, to work more efficiently and modernly. The company’s clients do not need to adapt to business partners’ system formats or worry about separate communication lines in order to connect to their systems. One connection to the EDI system ensures reliable data exchange with all business partners.

The Rivile EDI (EKO) solution is suitable for any company that receives and sends invoices, and is most useful for those that receive a lot of invoices and have customers who can send them digitally. Undoubted benefits will also be experienced by those who issue a lot of invoices themselves, as they can fully automate the sending process itself. Typically, when you send a PDF, the recipient ends up with a digitally damaged document and needs to re-enter the data, duplicating work between different companies. The system speeds up and improves work, ensures greater accuracy,” said Dr. Vilius Kontrimas, responsible for the company’s strategic management.

The solution is effective, as it saves money and employees’ time: there is no need to reconcile invoices manually, and the use is very simple – with the click of a key: invoices and other financial documents and data are automatically entered into the system.

In addition, Rivile EDI (EKO) is a sustainable, environmentally friendly solution that allows you to abandon traditional paper documents in everyday work. This explains why the name of the system contains EKO, and behind the abbreviation EDI lies the English term “electronic data interchange”, which defines the electronic exchange of business documents and data.

Electronic data exchange solutions are equally important for businesses of all sizes: wholesalers, retail, logistics and transport representatives and manufacturers, small retail suppliers, farmers, cafes, bars, shops.

Adding one invoice to the accounting system, depending on the volume of the document, can take from 1 to 15 minutes. By eliminating the manual reconciliation of documents, the risk of human errors on both the customer’s and the supplier’s side is reduced. According to publicly available information, data quality improves by at least 30-40% with EDI.

“A single trade transaction can involve more than 10 documents: goods must be ordered, assembled and shipped, received and settled. Each step is accompanied by a new document. From the buyer’s point of view, we are talking about the process that starts with the purchase and ends with the payment, and from the seller’s point of view, from the receipt of the order to the arrival of the money. In both cases, EDI increases the efficiency of the entire supply chain. Since there is no longer double data entry, manual processing time and the number of human errors are significantly reduced,” said Marius Rubinas, responsible for digital solutions at the company.

More: vz.lt

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