Version Descriptions


1. Personnel : when you create a new company, you will always create a Personnel version v2.

2. Personnel -> Personnel operations : during the transfer of a redundancy operation, the holiday balance for the redundancy date is saved in the information field of the salary document.

3. Personnel -> Posts in departments : in the list we added the direct manager values and a filter.

4. Salary -> Salary documents -> Salary documents adjustment : new field Start of period. If the Adjust table attribute is checked, the table will be adjusted according to the Period start and end date.
The structure of the table A24_LIH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

5. Salary -> Salary documents -> Adjustment of salary documents : if the Adjust table attribute is set, it will not be allowed to save the document if a Salary document with the Adjust table attribute has already been created in that period. To prevent the check from being executed, the following must be programmed in the System INIT:

6. Salary -> Salary documents: new button “Calculation of averages and accruals”:. It is now possible to calculate Averages and Credits for newly selected Salary documents.

7. Payroll -> Employee list -> Payroll service -> Generate employee accruals/accruals : new field Group. It is now possible to create new Employee Billing/Settlement according to the specified Employee Group.

8. Payroll -> Employee list -> Payroll service -> Generate employee accruals/deductions : new option to generate new employee deductions based on the specified employee’s main department.

9. Payroll -> Calendar -> Calendar Adjustment : three new informative Description fields have been added.
The structure of the table A09_KAL has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

10. Salary : added parameter [KA] to the function for calculating the amounts of the Offset, Deduction, Offset offer and Deduction offer amounts. The option to return the sum of averages has been added.

KA: 0 or .F.- AMOUNT
1 – TIME

11. Alga : new parameter [KA] has been added to the calculation of the amount to be refunded from the specified subtraction.
KA: 0 or .F.- SUM
1 – TIME

12. Debtors/Creditors -> Debtors/Creditors adjustment : three new informative Description fields have been added.
The structure of the table I31_KLH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate the information.

13. Debtors/Creditors -> Debtors/Creditors Adjustment -> Customer Debt Transaction: three new informative Description fields were added.
The structure of the table I32_KLD has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

14. Production -> Button “Adjustment of operations” -> Adjustment of production operations : new Adjustment of production operations Method “Quantity of products”.

15. New system parameter titi_pagr.SS_USER_LOGOS . It is now possible to automatically create a separate logo directory for each GAMA user in the company directory …\LOGOAI\LOGOAI\Consumer\ PVZ: …\LOGOAI\LOGOAI\LOGOAI\MASTER\ For this, you need to program the following in the SYSTEM INIT:

16. About the system : new button “Request API key”. Made it possible to automatically send an email about the request for an API key for the database. If for some reason the email cannot be sent from the application, it is possible to create a TXT text file and send it by other means to

17. New v_riv_sp() special object to communicate with Rivile API v2 (querying the database directly) and to use extended functionality.

18. New reports :
SYSTEM001257 – Company-wide turnover of goods
SYSTEM001258 – Inventory balances to date by supplier with series and expiry date
SYSTEM001259 – Inventory balances by date at company level
SYSTEM001260 – Stock obsolescence analysis by group and by commodity as a basic measure
SYSTEM001261 – Summary of i.SAF register information by classification

This version is available for download:


1.POS system -> POS point of sale: connection to EMPIRIJA POS smart electronic cash register (i.EKA) is implemented.

2.Inventory -> Inventory operations -> Import: importing Stock documents will import all the information contained in the imported EIP file. If errors are found during the import, those lines will be imported but will have the attribute Error. Until all errors in the document have been corrected, you will not be able to do anything else to the document. An erroneous document can be discarded.

3. Inventory -> Inventory operations -> Import: an option to not import those rows if errors are found during import (old import option). This requires programming in SYSTEM INIT:

4. Internal accounting -> Internal transactions -> Import: Importing Internal Documents will import all the information contained in the imported EIP file. If errors are found during the import, those lines will be imported but will have the attribute Error. Until all errors in the document have been corrected, you will not be able to do anything else to the document. An erroneous document can be discarded.

5. Internal Accounting -> Internal Operations -> Import: option has been added to not import those rows if errors are found during the import (old import option). This requires programming in SYSTEM INIT:

6. Internal accounting -> Internal transactions -> Internal transaction adjustment: new information field Primary Document No.
The structure of the table I09_VIH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

7. Internal Accounting -> Internal Transactions -> Internal Transaction Adjustment: three new informative Description fields have appeared.
The structure of the table I09_VIH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

8. Status -> Status list -> Status adjustment: extended fields Status INIT Function, Function before, Function after up to 150 characters.
The structure of the table L19_BUS has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

9. Payslip -> Table -> Table adjustment: buttons “Calculate overtime” and “Calculate overtime for all” have appeared. The possibility to automatically calculate overtime hours worked by employees has been added.

10. Parameters: new parameter SS_VIRSVAL – Overtime hours. It has been made possible to specify the default codes for Overtime(+) and Overtime(-) hours in the Table Adjustment window when calculating overtime.

11. Payroll -> Employee list -> Employee adjustment -> Employee unit adjustment: new field Calculate overtime. If this field is checked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the overtime will be calculated.
The structure of table A07_TABP has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

12. Salary -> Days -> Daily -> Daily adjustment: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is checked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the number of hours for the employee will only be added up for the checked day.
The structure of table A13_TBLG has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

13. Salary -> Hours -> Hours adjustment: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is ticked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the number of hours for the employee will only be added by including the ticked hours.
The structure of the table A12_TBL has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

14. Salary -> Hours -> Hours adjustment: new field Total time accounting. If this field is checked and the “Sum time” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the employee’s hours will not be summed up according to his/her hours for the day, i.e. the hours for the month will not be recalculated.
The structure of the table A12_TBL has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

15. Payroll -> Payroll -> Adjustment of payroll -> Adjustment of payroll description: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is checked, the accrual will be included in the calculation of the overtime average.
The structure of the table A04_PAA has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

16. Salary -> Averaging function FVID(Table No.(OPTIONAL),Period(OPTIONAL),Document type,Average type,Division): The possibility to calculate the average overtime with this function has been made. To do this, the value 103 must be entered in the ‘Document type’ field.

17. Payroll -> Accruals/Accounts -> Adjustment of Accruals/Accounts -> Adjustment of the description of the Accrual/Account(Formula): new field Average formula. Added the possibility to describe the Average formula, whose value will appear after the calculation of the employee’s Billing/Accounts.
The structure of the table A04_PAA has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

18. Salary -> Employee list -> Salary service: there is a new button Salary changes from 2024, which will generate salary tax changes effective from 2024.01.01. Also new table fields, Hours, Accruals will be created which are needed for Overtime calculation.

19. Cards -> Client list -> Client list adjustment: new information field Check date.
The structure of the table N08_KLIJ has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

20. New function SK_ZODPL(number) which returns the sum in Polish words.

21. Users -> MGAMA user: unchecking the box, if the MGAMA user is not assigned any other licence (for example MSCAN), the user will be deleted.

22. Personnel -> Personnel operations: new operation type “Missions”.

23. Personnel -> Personnel operations: new field in Admission/transfer operations Period to. For specifying the end date of an admission/transfer operation, after which a transfer operation is created or the value of this field is changed.

24. Transfer of transactions to the LC: the possibility to not transfer the description of the transaction to the LC transactions has been introduced. This requires programming in the SYSTEM INIT:

25. Settlements -> Payments -> Direct import from bank: new option to take control before the import. To do this, you need to program a command in SYSTEM INIT with your own program to rework the data:

26. New entries have been made in the list of sales transactions:
SYSTEM001254 – Discounted VAT Invoice (new form),
SYSTEM001255 – VAT Invoice in Lithuanian/English (new format),
SYSTEM001256 – (Email) VAT invoice with discount (new format).

This version is available for download:


1. POS system -> POS point of sale: Made connection to the RASO POS smart electronic cash register (i.EKA).

2. About the system: A new button “Request to re-register/move database”. Added the possibility to automatically send a letter about the request to re-register/move a database when transferring it to another company. If for some reason the email cannot be sent from the application, it is possible to create a TXT text file and send it by other ways to the email

This version can be obtained:


1. Cards -> Sets: Added the ability to specify the data type for the Set field. This requires programming in the System INIT: titi_pagr.rin_xx_type=”C” && field type: “C”-symbolic (by default); „N”-Digital; „D”-date; „T”-time(must be extended to 16 characters with the function SET_ALTER(Field_NR,16)).

titi_pagr.rin_xx_sv=12 && field length ( by default, as it is in the database, lengthening can be done with the function SELECT_ALTER(Field_NR,Field_length) )

titi_pagr.rin_xx_po=4 && field length after  comma (by default 4), if titi_pagr.rin_xx_type=”N”
xx – Set field number from 01 to 15.

2. Credit Cards -> Sets: New possibility to create new Sets only in the Sets list. Sets will not be created automatically. This requires programming in the System INIT:


3. Dimensions: added the ability to specify a data type for the Dimension field. This requires programming in the System INIT:

titi_pagr.dim_xx_type=”C” && field type: „C”-simbolinis(by default); „N”- digital; „D”-date.
titi_pagr.dim_xx_sv=12 && field lenght (by default 12). Max 12.
titi_pagr.dim_xx_po=4 && field length after  comma (by default 4), if titi_pagr.dim_xx_type=”N”
xx – Dimension field number from 01 to 15.

4. Debtor/Creditor transactions -> Customer information: added Status Confirmation System. The structure of the table N78_KM has changed accordingly.

5. Debtor/Creditor transactions -> Customer notification transactions: status confirmation made. The structure of table N79_KW has changed accordingly.
Please be aware of all who replicate the information.

6. POS system -> POS point of sale: Made improvements to the Intelligent Electronic Cash Register (i.EKA). When sending goods to the fisc, if an error is reported and the POS is restarted, it will be possible to void all receipt information and the void will not be sent to i.EKA.

7. Settlements -> Payments -> Direct import from bank: When importing from some banks, more information is sent: payment code, payer’s company code etc. The updated import algorithm takes into account the newly created information.

8. Settlements -> Payments -> Direct import from bank: it is possible to write multicurrency accounts, where one bank account holds amounts in different currencies. This has led to changes in the import program and logic.
The structure of the K82_OPB table has changed accordingly.
Please note all who replicate the information.

9. Status confirmations: a print button has appeared in the list of status confirmation operations. It is possible to print a report of who has performed which approvals. A systematic form has been provided which shows the Rivile MGAMA validation form.

10. State approvals: unified mixed state (Rivile GAMA and MGAMA) approval mechanism.

11. Functions for working with EIP files: Rivile GAMA has been enhanced with features for more convenient work with EIP files:

eip_nus(tcFileEip) – EIP file is converted to cursor EIP_<Table>. For example: eip_nus(m.EXP_FILE) && transforms „” to EIP_I07

eip_add_column(tcCursor, tcField, tcType [, tcDefaultValue]) – Adds a column to the EIP cursor if none exists. For example: eip_add_column(„EIP_I07″,”i07_code_us”,”C(12)”)

eip_for(tcFileEip, tcHeaderCursor, tcDetailCursors[, tcFields]) – From the EIP cursors, an EIP file is created. For example: ip_for(m.EXP_FAILAS,”EIP_I06″,”EIP_I07,EIP_I08″,”i06_code_ks,i06_dok_nr,i06_op_date,di07_bar_code,t_quantity,i08_mok_p,i08_mok_d”)

12. Personnel > Personnel operations: in the list of Personnel operations v2, the analytical button has been extended to show immediately the filtered employee code in the Personnel list.

13. Personnel: when calculating holidays, it has been made possible to specify adjustment periods in working days.
The structure of tables K11_NORM and K13_ATKL has changed accordingly.
Please note all who replicate the information.

14. Parameters: In the Parameters list, it is now possible to specify the Personnel module separately from the Payroll module. Please note who has used the Salary parameters in the Personnel module – you will need to write down the parameters separately.

15. Parameters -> Lists of parameter values: added modules (CRM, DVS, GDPR, Personnel) and unified display of hidden values **

16. New report “English payroll” (SYSTEM001252).

17. New parameter titi_pagr.Print_list. When printing reports, the report will show from which list the printing is taking place.

18. Added the functionality to adjust the appearance of the “Phase” during the transfer of operations i.e. from the number of entries to show how fast a transaction is transferred. This requires programming in SYSTEM INIT:

xx – number of entries (default from 10 entries)

19. Sales -> Sales operations: made it possible not to exclude Sales Returns when checking the uniqueness of Sales Document numbers. The uniqueness of the Sales Documents will be checked for all Sales Documents, regardless of the type of document. This requires programming in System INIT:


This version can be obtained:


1. Fixed status fixing mechanism. The principle of operation of the mixed-state “GAMA and MGAMA” approving in GAMA and MGAMA is unified when using the “Approve all” or “Cancel all”.
2. POS system -> POS point of sale. Improvements have been made to working with the Smart Electronic Cash Register (i.POS).

This version can be obtained:

1. New Personnel Version v2: A new version of the personnel system has been implemented, bringing significant changes to the vacation calculation functionality.
The list ‘Vacation Balances’ has been replaced with a non-editable list called ‘Detailed Vacation Information.’
The ‘Vacation Formulas’ and ‘Vacation Days’ have been replaced with the ‘Vacation Table.’
During the version update, a ‘Version Update’ personnel operation is generated for each main personnel admission operation. These need to be transferred to complete the version update process. Until the version update operation is transferred, it will not be possible to work with this particular admission operation (enter or transfer new operations).
Correspondingly, there have been changes in the structures of tables K11_NORM, K12_ETP, K14_ASM, K16_OPH.
New tables K13_ATKL, K80_ATLH, K81_ATLD have been introduced.
Please pay attention to anyone, who replicates the information.

2. Service -> Administration -> Registration/Working with the system: A novel button, labeled ‘Switch to Personnel v2’, has been incorporated. Upon activation of this button, users will be granted the capability to migrate to the newly introduced Personnel version v2.
3. Administration -> Parameters: A new parameter, denoted as SS_PER_VERS – Personnel version, has been implemented. This parameter will serve the purpose of specifying the operative personnel version employed within the system.
4. The possibility to expand the online MGAMA solution within Rivile GAMA has been introduced. MGAMA is functional only from Rivile GAMA version 120 onwards.
MGAMA – refers to the capability of accessing specific functionalities through a web browser: employees can independently submit vacation requests, review their remaining vacation balances and history, as well as approve relevant documents such as vacation requests, purchase documents, internal company policies, and similar materials. The MGAMA functionality will be progressively enhanced over time.
5. List of States -> State Adjustment:New fields have been introduced:
Program in use. It will be possible to specify which program (GAMA, MGAMA, GAMA and MGAMA) can operate with this state.
New fields have been introduced:
MGAMA sending emails. The option to indicate whether the MGAMA program must send an electronic mail.
Template. The ability to specify the format of the electronic mail to be sent.
As a result, there have been changes in the structure of the L19_BUS table.
Please pay attention to anyone, who replicates the information.

6. State Approvals -> State Approval Adjustment: New fields in MGAMA email.
This field will indicate whether MGAMA is required to send an electronic email and whether such an email has already been dispatched.
Template. The format for sending electronic mails.
Four description fields to be utilized by the MGAMA program.
As a result, there have been changes in the structure of the L21_BUSP table.
Please pay attention to anyone, who replicates the information.

7. Administration -> User List -> User List Adjustment: A new field called “MGAMA user” has been introduced. Upon selecting this field, a corresponding MGAMA user will be automatically created.
As a result, there have been changes in the structure of the R05_USER table.
Please pay attention to anyone, who replicates the information.

8. POS System -> POS Description -> POS Description Adjustment: A new field named “Smart Electronic Cash Register (i.EKA)” has been added. Integration with the ASPA POS Smart Electronic Cash Register has been established.
9. POS System -> POS Point of Sale -> Cash Deposit/Withdrawal: The capability to specify not only the Customer code but also the POS operation receipt number and the necessary documents for covering the transferred Payment operation has been implemented when creating Payment operations.
10. Payments -> Import: During the import of Payment documents, all the information present in the imported EIP (Electronic Import File) will be imported. If errors are encountered during the import process, the respective rows will still be imported, but they will be marked as erroneous. Until all document errors are corrected, no further action can be taken with them. Erroneous documents can be discarded if necessary.
11. Payments -> Import:The possibility has been introduced to prevent the import of rows if errors are encountered during the import process (old import option). To enable this feature, it is necessary to program the following in SYSTEM INIT:
12. POS System -> POS Description -> POS Description Adjustment -> POS Parameter Adjustment: It will be possible to specify not only the User who can work with this POS but also the User group.
13. The possibility to specify the display time for logs (in seconds) has been implemented. > Once the specified time elapses, the program will automatically click the default button. To enable this feature, the following initialization (INIT) code needs to be programmed in the log display window: thisform.RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME=10
10 – represents the display time for the message (in seconds)
Additionally, you can utilize the system message display time. For this purpose, the following INIT code should be programmed in the log display window: thisform.RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME=titi_pagr.SS_MESSAGE_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME
14. Purchases -> Purchase Operations: The option to Copy/Edit the selected package of operations has been implemented.
15. Statistics -> Code Modification: Customer code consolidation has been implemented.
16. Button ‘Sort (Shift+R)’ -> Sorting Information: New fields ‘Ascending Sort’ and ‘Descending Sort’ have been added. The option to sort scanned information in ascending or descending order has been made available.
17. Company Selection: A new informational field called ‘Notes’ has been introduced.As a result, changes have been made to the structure of the S02_SYST table.
18. The function PS_KOD has been enhanced with new parameters, providing the capability to create custom selection fields.
To achieve this, you need to specify the field type ‘P’ for parameter 6 of function PS_KOD and provide your created array in parameter 10 of the same function.
Let’s say you have the following array named ‘my_selection_array(3)’:
my_selection_array(1) = “First value”
my_selection_array(2) = “Second value”
my_selection_array(3) = “Third value”
To use the function PS_KOD with custom selection options, you can do the following:
my_selected_value=ps_code(,”Select the required value”,,,,”P”,,,,@my_selected_array)
wait window if(my_selected_value>0, my_selected_array(my_selected_value),”You did not select a value”)
Available parameters for function PS_CODE:
– ss_tip: List type
– ss_lpav: Field name
– ss_kod: Code already displayed in the selection window
– ss_ilg: Field length (default 12)
– ss_ilgt: Field length after the decimal point if the field is numeric, i.e., ss_ltip = “N”
– ss_ltip: Field type C, N, D, T, P – selection field from the array (default “C”)
– ss_med_tik: If .t., do not check if the entered value exists in tree-type lists
– ss_srit: To check if the code exists in the list, specify the first three characters of the table
– ss_tarpas: If .t., the space key will not work as the selection key, and it will be possible to enter it as part of the text.
– ss_array – if the field type is P ie ss_ltip=”P”, then selection from the formed array SS_ARRAY(x)=”…”
19. Corrected “Certificate of calculated and paid wages for 2023” (SYSTEM000754).
20. Enhanced “Form DA-01 K (Quarterly) from 2023” (SYSTEM001232) –added the field “Income in Kind” (credits 910, 913, 915).
21.Modified profit reports (SYSTEM001115, SYSTEM001190, SYSTEM001191) to display accounts in accordance with the chart of accounts “tree” structure.
This version can be obtained:

1. Cards -> Exchange Rate: a new button “Import Exchange Rate for a Period” has been added. It is now possible to import exchange rates for a desired period.
2. Cards -> Customer List -> Customer List Modification: added the ability to specify the Buyer’s Daily Discount Percentage with 5 decimal places.
Correspondingly, the structure of table N08_KLIJ has changed. Please note this for everyone who replicates the information.
3. POS System -> POS Operations: added the ability to transfer POS sales operations and immediately transfer the generated Sales operations. To do this, the following needs to be programmed in SYSTEM INIT: titi_pagr.SS_PARAM_POS_MOVED_RO=.T.
4. POS System -> POS Operations: added the ability to transfer POS cash deposit/withdrawal operations and immediately transfer the generated Payment operations. To do this, the following needs to be programmed in SYSTEM INIT: titi_pagr.SS_PARAM_POS_MOVED_OI=.T.
5. Enhanced quick search (GRPAJ.APP)– the ability to expand the response width. Additional feature gp.width
This version can be obtained from:

1. Salary -> Employee List -> Salary Service: a new button “Salary changes from 2023” has been added, which will generate salary tax changes that will take effect from 2023-01-01.
2. Settlements -> Connection with the Bank: it will be possible to subscribe Direct connections to your bank accounts.
These tables can be replicated or not replicated (depending on user needs).
3. Settlements -> Payments: a new button “Direct import from the bank” has been added. By using your specified Bank Communication, you will be able to directly import the necessary payment statements.
4. Company Selection -> Company Editing: a new button “Allow selection” has been added, which will allow users to select the company.
5. Company Selection: creating a new company or editing its descriptions will only be available to the MASTER user or users at level 9.
6. POS System -> POS Point of Sale: RIVILE scales have been connected. When selecting these scales, the weight will need to be manually entered.
7. Card -> Customer List -> Customer List Editing -> Customer Alternative Information Editing: new fields “Sales Export Template” and “Purchase Export Template” have been added. It is now possible to specify a specific export template for the client’s alternative address when performing Sales/Purchase export.
Consequently, the structure of table N33_KBAN has changed.
Please note this for all those who replicate the information.
8. Implemented the capability to specify the display time of the notification (in seconds).After the specified time elapses, the program will automatically press the default designated button. To achieve this, it is necessary to program it within the SYSTEM INIT as follows:
9.Enabled the capability to initiate the program by specifying the notification display time (in seconds).
To run RIV_GAMA.EXE, the following parameters must be provided:
RIV_GAMA.EXE .F. .F. 1 USER 1234 XXF my_function(1,2,3) 10
.F. – constants
1 – company number
USER – username
1234 – user password
XXF – work mode
my_function(1,2,3) – user-defined function with necessary function parameters (if required).
10 – display time of the message (in seconds)
10. The option to launch a program specifying the display time of a message (in seconds) in the CONFIG.FPW file has been added.
To enable this, add the following line to the CONFIG.FPW file:
where 10 is the display time of the message (in seconds)
11. Status -> Status List -> Status Editing: new fields have been added:
Form Confirmation – by selecting this field and confirming the status, users who need to confirm the new status will be generated.
Cancel All or Cancel One – it will be possible to specify whether the status can be canceled by one user or if all users need to perform the cancellation.
Go to status on confirmation – it will be possible to specify the status to which it should transition after confirming the current status.
Go to status on cancellation – it will be possible to specify the status to which it should transition after canceling the current status.
Status INIT – it will be possible to specify your program when a status is created.
Consequently, the structure of tables L19_BUS and L21_BUSP has changed.
Please note this for all those who replicate the information.
12. New function BUSENOS_P(CODE_BE, CODE_RS, MODULE, OP_CODE, TRANSFERRED, DESCRIPTION, ACTION), which creates, edits, or clears the status confirmation for the specified user.
where CODE_BE – status code (mandatory)
CODE_RS – user (optional, by default, the working user)
MODULE – confirmed operation module (mandatory)
OP_CODE – confirmed operation number (mandatory)
TRANSFERRED – confirmation 1-new; 2-confirmed; 3-canceled; 4-annulled (optional, by default 1-new)
DESCRIPTION – description (optional)
ACTION – “K” – create or edit confirmation; “V” – clear confirmation (optional, by default “K” – create or edit confirmation)
13. Registration/Users -> User Editing: a new field “Email address” has been added. The email address of the working user can be found in TITI_PAGR.E_MAIL
Consequently, the structure of table R05_USER has changed.
Please note this for all those who replicate the information.
14. New function VART_EMAIL(USER), which returns the user’s email address.
where USER – user code (optional, by default, the working user)
15. Enhanced GPM312 reports: SYSTEM001118 and SYSTEM001221 – separate income nature for the use of the company car.
You can download this version here:

1. Company Selection: The Company Path field has been extended to 200 characters.
2. Administration -> Parameters: a new system parameter SS_KOP_PDF has been added – Copy assigned documents. In this parameter, you can specify whether assigned documents should be copied when copying operations.
3. Administration -> Reports -> Report Editing: when creating a new report (by copying an existing one), unique FRX file names will be generated if such names already exist.
4. Salary -> Table -> Table Editing: the ability to view and edit all hours of a specific employee has been added, regardless of the day code specified for that day. To enable this, you need to program the following in the SYSTEM INIT:
5. Purchases/Sales -> Import: when importing using the Product/Service barcode, the system will first search for the Product/Service information entered in Product/Service Editing -> Customer Product/Service Editing -> in the Customer Product/Service code field. If the imported barcode is not found, then it will be searched in the general Barcode list. To revert to the previous behavior, where only the Barcode list was used for searching (prior to this version), you need to program the following in the SYSTEM INIT:titi_pagr.SS_IMP_BAR_CODE_KS=.F.
6. Purchases/Sales -> WEB Export: the ability to specify a specific export template when exporting documents to the WEB has been added. To do this, in the SYSTEM INIT, when programming the WEB server, specify the WEB server:
WB_SERVER(“RIVILĖ”,1,,,,,,,”WEB exchange between different companies”)
“WEB exchange between different companies” is the name of the export template
7. Additional parameter added to the MSCAN_INFO program for internal operations:
1 – show selection result regardless of internal op. transfer indicator
2 – show income result regardless of internal op. transfer indicator
For example: mscan_info(thisform,1)
8. Quick search (GRPAJ) – enhanced with the ability to program search in name fields.
9. Adjustments made to the salary journal reports SYSTEM000981, SYSTEM000426, SYSTEM000428, SYSTEM001208. Deductions have been added to the income tax with the code 19105
Deductions have been added to the income tax with the code 19105
You can download this version here:

The version numbers of Rivile GAMA programs are created according to a specific scheme:

  • If the numbers BEFORE the decimal point change, it means that the existing database table has been modified;
  • If the first two numbers AFTER the decimal point change, a new table has been added;
  • If the last two numbers AFTER the decimal point change, it indicates minor corrections or new features and changes that do not affect the database structure;

*If your company uses data replication, be especially cautious when making updates that involve changes to existing tables.