Edisoft – Amazon integration solution

The Edisoft systems solution enables the integration of Rivile GAMA with the Amazon Seller trading platform. Using the solution, you will be able to automatically import sales data, update product balances, receive orders, etc.

Solution options:

  • Automatic upload of sales/invoices to business management system (when invoicing to customers is done by Amazon);
  • Update of product balances and prices directly from the Rivile GAMA system;
  • Getting orders into the business management system from Amazon;
  • Periodic receipt of various Amazon reports.

Advantages of using:

  • Automation helps avoid manual work;
  • Reduces the risk of errors when entering data into your systems;
  • Saves time and trading administrative costs.

Other information, requirements:

  • The solution is suitable for both FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) methods;
  • If necessary, the Edisoft platform can be used to bind internal product codes and ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) codes or otherwise supplement, select and transform the transmitted data.

Indicative price of the system:

  • Rivile Versions Access Agreement;
  • Rivile API key;
  • The installation is done by the Edisoft systems team;
  • One-time installation/configuration fee from 600 Eur + VAT;
  • Monthly fee from 90 EUR + VAT.



JSC „Edisoft systems“

Rivile Product

Rivile GAMA
