1. Company Selection: The Company Path field has been extended to 200 characters.
2. Administration -> Parameters: a new system parameter SS_KOP_PDF has been added – Copy assigned documents. In this parameter, you can specify whether assigned documents should be copied when copying operations.
3. Administration -> Reports -> Report Editing: when creating a new report (by copying an existing one), unique FRX file names will be generated if such names already exist.
4. Salary -> Table -> Table Editing: the ability to view and edit all hours of a specific employee has been added, regardless of the day code specified for that day. To enable this, you need to program the following in the SYSTEM INIT:
5. Purchases/Sales -> Import: when importing using the Product/Service barcode, the system will first search for the Product/Service information entered in Product/Service Editing -> Customer Product/Service Editing -> in the Customer Product/Service code field. If the imported barcode is not found, then it will be searched in the general Barcode list. To revert to the previous behavior, where only the Barcode list was used for searching (prior to this version), you need to program the following in the SYSTEM INIT:titi_pagr.SS_IMP_BAR_CODE_KS=.F.
6. Purchases/Sales -> WEB Export: the ability to specify a specific export template when exporting documents to the WEB has been added. To do this, in the SYSTEM INIT, when programming the WEB server, specify the WEB server:
WB_SERVER(“RIVILĖ”,1,,,,,,,”WEB exchange between different companies”)
“WEB exchange between different companies” is the name of the export template
7. Additional parameter added to the MSCAN_INFO program for internal operations:
1 – show selection result regardless of internal op. transfer indicator
2 – show income result regardless of internal op. transfer indicator
For example: mscan_info(thisform,1)
8. Quick search (GRPAJ) – enhanced with the ability to program search in name fields.
9. Adjustments made to the salary journal reports SYSTEM000981, SYSTEM000426, SYSTEM000428, SYSTEM001208. Deductions have been added to the income tax with the code 19105
Deductions have been added to the income tax with the code 19105
You can download this version here:

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