
1.POS system -> POS point of sale: connection to EMPIRIJA POS smart electronic cash register (i.EKA) is implemented.

2.Inventory -> Inventory operations -> Import: importing Stock documents will import all the information contained in the imported EIP file. If errors are found during the import, those lines will be imported but will have the attribute Error. Until all errors in the document have been corrected, you will not be able to do anything else to the document. An erroneous document can be discarded.

3. Inventory -> Inventory operations -> Import: an option to not import those rows if errors are found during import (old import option). This requires programming in SYSTEM INIT:

4. Internal accounting -> Internal transactions -> Import: Importing Internal Documents will import all the information contained in the imported EIP file. If errors are found during the import, those lines will be imported but will have the attribute Error. Until all errors in the document have been corrected, you will not be able to do anything else to the document. An erroneous document can be discarded.

5. Internal Accounting -> Internal Operations -> Import: option has been added to not import those rows if errors are found during the import (old import option). This requires programming in SYSTEM INIT:

6. Internal accounting -> Internal transactions -> Internal transaction adjustment: new information field Primary Document No.
The structure of the table I09_VIH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

7. Internal Accounting -> Internal Transactions -> Internal Transaction Adjustment: three new informative Description fields have appeared.
The structure of the table I09_VIH has changed accordingly.
Please note all those who replicate information.

8. Status -> Status list -> Status adjustment: extended fields Status INIT Function, Function before, Function after up to 150 characters.
The structure of the table L19_BUS has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

9. Payslip -> Table -> Table adjustment: buttons “Calculate overtime” and “Calculate overtime for all” have appeared. The possibility to automatically calculate overtime hours worked by employees has been added.

10. Parameters: new parameter SS_VIRSVAL – Overtime hours. It has been made possible to specify the default codes for Overtime(+) and Overtime(-) hours in the Table Adjustment window when calculating overtime.

11. Payroll -> Employee list -> Employee adjustment -> Employee unit adjustment: new field Calculate overtime. If this field is checked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the overtime will be calculated.
The structure of table A07_TABP has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

12. Salary -> Days -> Daily -> Daily adjustment: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is checked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the number of hours for the employee will only be added up for the checked day.
The structure of table A13_TBLG has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

13. Salary -> Hours -> Hours adjustment: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is ticked and the “Calculate overtime” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the number of hours for the employee will only be added by including the ticked hours.
The structure of the table A12_TBL has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

14. Salary -> Hours -> Hours adjustment: new field Total time accounting. If this field is checked and the “Sum time” button is clicked in the Table Adjustment window, the employee’s hours will not be summed up according to his/her hours for the day, i.e. the hours for the month will not be recalculated.
The structure of the table A12_TBL has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

15. Payroll -> Payroll -> Adjustment of payroll -> Adjustment of payroll description: new field Add to overtime average. If this field is checked, the accrual will be included in the calculation of the overtime average.
The structure of the table A04_PAA has changed accordingly.
Please make everyone aware of who is replicating the information.

16. Salary -> Averaging function FVID(Table No.(OPTIONAL),Period(OPTIONAL),Document type,Average type,Division): The possibility to calculate the average overtime with this function has been made. To do this, the value 103 must be entered in the ‘Document type’ field.

17. Payroll -> Accruals/Accounts -> Adjustment of Accruals/Accounts -> Adjustment of the description of the Accrual/Account(Formula): new field Average formula. Added the possibility to describe the Average formula, whose value will appear after the calculation of the employee’s Billing/Accounts.
The structure of the table A04_PAA has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

18. Salary -> Employee list -> Salary service: there is a new button Salary changes from 2024, which will generate salary tax changes effective from 2024.01.01. Also new table fields, Hours, Accruals will be created which are needed for Overtime calculation.

19. Cards -> Client list -> Client list adjustment: new information field Check date.
The structure of the table N08_KLIJ has changed accordingly.
Please note who is replicating the information.

20. New function SK_ZODPL(number) which returns the sum in Polish words.

21. Users -> MGAMA user: unchecking the box, if the MGAMA user is not assigned any other licence (for example MSCAN), the user will be deleted.

22. Personnel -> Personnel operations: new operation type “Missions”.

23. Personnel -> Personnel operations: new field in Admission/transfer operations Period to. For specifying the end date of an admission/transfer operation, after which a transfer operation is created or the value of this field is changed.

24. Transfer of transactions to the LC: the possibility to not transfer the description of the transaction to the LC transactions has been introduced. This requires programming in the SYSTEM INIT:

25. Settlements -> Payments -> Direct import from bank: new option to take control before the import. To do this, you need to program a command in SYSTEM INIT with your own program to rework the data:

26. New entries have been made in the list of sales transactions:
SYSTEM001254 – Discounted VAT Invoice (new form),
SYSTEM001255 – VAT Invoice in Lithuanian/English (new format),
SYSTEM001256 – (Email) VAT invoice with discount (new format).

This version is available for download:

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